structure of Vneorhyhalogy consists of 11 levels of development of a man, 30
principles, 58 tests for diagnostics of an organism.
The system of steps of Vneorhyhalogy is an
external symbolic indication of development of moral, physiological,
respiratory, mental, non-mental (e.g. a development of the prenatal memory,
i.e. of stages of development of prenatal life of a foetus into a future human
being) processes.
The set of principles of Vneorhyhalogy
is developed to objectively and deliberately change parameters of state of a
human organism, including laboratory-medical analyses and monitoring devices,
for diagnostics as well as for correction. When the set of principles of Vneorhyhalogy
is applied, stresses of an organism are removed and prevented, and during long
practice the organism achieves a non-stressful state, which develops mental and
creative abilities for preschool, primary and secondary education, it also
forms adaptability of an adult.
Vneorhyhalogy express-tests are
elaborated to objectively estimate psychic and physiological characteristics
before, during and after trainings (theoretical and practical).
of work of organs, rhythms producing deficit, excess or compensation of
energies in organism can be revealed through the gustatory, colour, season-climatic
experiences tests by the volume-spatial model of an organism.
Volume-spatial model of an organism includes eight basic energy centres.
Each centre is principal in reacting of organism to colour, taste, smell, and
responsible for functional, psychic and energy work of organs of corresponding
volumes of body. Tests are used for diagnostics of energy state (qualities of
the natural elements) of an organism and its organs, determining energy deficit
or excess, compensative energies leading to energy balance and integral
interaction of all subsystems of body.
reactions are used for short-term correction to balanced work of organs in the round-the-clock
regime. Long-term correction of way of life corresponding to annual climatic rhythms
is made by season-climatic experiences. Through tests on gustatory reactions,
for example, it can be determined what volumes of body are unbalanced by
deficient energies and an organism can get correction to improved state, i.e. compensation
of deficient energy. The time of testing is 15-20 minutes. The capacity depends
on the room (less then 50 men, 50-100 men and more). The result of diagnostics is
leading of an organism to balanced state by its layers (skin, muscles, tendons,
gristles, bones, internal organs), fulfilling the task of harmonizing physical,
psychic, energy bodies in this stage. The set of tests is designed for groups
of people of various age with formed interest in the origin of man, sources of
disharmony, as well as for those who is interested not only in theory but in practice